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Modified window or report is not displaying

All modified reports and windows must be installed on the client they are to run on. Two things need to be done:

1. Go to CUSTOMIZATION MAINTENANCE (Microsoft Dynamics GP –> Tools –> Customize–> Customization Maintenance) on the client the modification was originally done in, export the files to a package and then import them on to the new client following the same steps.  

2. Next, the modified report needs to be flagged for a particular user using the ALTERNATE/MODIFIED FORMS AND REPORTS window (Microsoft Dynamics GP –> Tools –> Setup –> System –> Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports). Go to the window and select the modified version.

The modified window/report will also only show up for that user on a machine with the modifications. If that user tries to use a client without the modified report they will also get an error that the window is not loaded.